Darth Maul
Talk Of Death

I like death.
The first thing I remember about her is the ankh. Yes, that's right. It was back at a time when I was all stupid and religious and I thought it was a cross. But no matter. THEN I learnt it was an ankh.
But, now, I like everything about her. This scene of her is in the book with Foxclove and her lover, they encounter death with the baby, and wierd things happen.

"I love you."
"I love you too."
"But you love everyone."

I admire Death. 
Not only is she not another of those annoying heroines of the typical DC comics, Death is a very interesting person. Just looking at her is like looking at a part of myself.
I would even go to say I love Death.
Although, I am in no way as significant, as radiant (whatever) as Death, but, I think almost anyone could love a person like her.
Maybe she is the kind of girl that every girl aspires to be like after all. 
And yes, she speaks the coolest things. I think there is wisdom of truth in her words...
Although, I can't agree with some.
But she is not just a girl. She is Death.
