Well, the story goes:
hido, me, went to this certain J-rock concert. She
was a crew (rather, slave). So, She had to stay back and help cleanup.
On the verge of cleaning up.... hido's eyes caught a rather cute SD figurine.
DARTHMAUL!! She was immediately taken aback by the cuteness of such an
intiduimating creature.
Note: This dollie belongs to whoever made it. ^^; which is not me. Darth Maul belongs to Star Wars' creators, btw.
feedbacks from hido's sister: | "That looks EVIL! you shouldn't pick things up from anywhere." |
feedbacks from friends: | "So cute! " (yeah, duh I know)
"You know, darth maul is originally so.. .cool, and scary... but who'd expect it to be.. .cute? *adoring grin*" "That looks satanic." (uhm.... Darth Maul. hello?) "Are you sure you got it at the gig? Where?" (the part where the gaijin threw out something and obviously no one caught it) "Darth Maul!!" |
My ponderings: | "hmmm... This looks handmade." (at an alternative
gig, I was staring at it... .--> abi: "you must be really bored.")
"No really." (abi: "You're nuts. :D") |