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Pieces of You
[Lie in me inches deep]
Page 8
Free Talk


Honestly, I think I could do better. This is the most recent doujinshi I've done, also my fourth, and my second J-rock doujinshi. As you can tell, I can't dot stuff so I've given that up ^^;; and I'm desperately in need of comments to tell me this work doesn't suck. Personally, I think it's worse than the first one..... 


"Pieces of You lie in me inches deep". (has been shortened to Pieces of you.... ^^;) You can't blame me. I was listening to the song for the whole day ^^; *repeat, play, sing, repeat, play....* But anyway, I know presently the title doesn't fit in. It's wierd, because if I stick Page 6 in, it would have fitted perfectly (Tetsu was recalling how Hyde was hurt ever since they met) But it just seems so out of place.... -_- 

I haven't learnt much from this, except that JPG files can kill sometimes. (^^;;;) And I've discarded two pages.... (TT) Waste of ink ne (--) My mom was telling me about how rough her hands are when I screwed up Page 1, so I redone it as well. Obviously the 2nd one is better, (I hope?) and the first part reminds me of Pieces MTV when Hyde was sitting at the Church (?) ^^;

Lastly. THANKS FOR READING! ^-^ /"

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